Monday, August 04, 2008

Zondervan blog

A team from Zondervan Academic has just started a new blog, Koinōnia (HT: Thanks to Michael Bird for announcing this over on ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ). I don't typically announce new blogs, but their first post (other than the obligatory "first post") begins a new series, "Monday with [Bill] Mounce," which has a short discussion on some aspect of the Greek New Testament (today's post considers the phrase εἰς ὑπακοὴν πίστεως [eis hypokoēn pisteōs; "for (?) the obedience of faith"; Rom. 1.5]). For those of you in the first stages of your Greek studies, you might want to check out this series when you can. I've also provided a link to this series under "Greek Resources" (on the right sidebar).


T. Michael W. Halcomb said...

Thanks for sharing your blog. I just added it to my RSS Reader so that when you update, it will notify. Blessings, friend.

Rafael said...

Thanks, Michael. I look forward to seeing your comments from time to time.

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